We're excited to be bringing you a new, limited release from the Gisanga Washing Station in Rwanda. This is the second release we're bringing you from Gisanga, following up a traditional natural lot that we released last month. We recently posted an article explaining the natural processing method that you can read here.
This new release has undergone a variation of the natural process that Gisanga are calling Experimental Natural. This is a newer method of processing coffee that aims to highlight and draw out different characteristics of the coffee.
The coffee cherries are first harvested by a wide network of over 850 farmers and brought to the washing station. The cherries are then sorted and floated in water to remove any unwanted, low density cherries. The sorted whole cherries are then moved into sealed fermentation tanks for 72 - 96 hours.
It is this fermentation step that differentiates the experimental processing method from the traditional natural process. Coffee producers have been experimenting with fermentation tanks, not only as a way to bring out new flavours but also a way to better control variables.
By using tanks, producers can closely monitor and control temperature, sugar content and oxygen levels to produce more consistent, reliable and repeatable outcomes. This consistency, combined with the interesting flavours brought out by the processing method, combine to generate a more valuable product, benefitting the farmers and washing station.
After the tank fermentation, the cherries are then placed onto raised beds to be dried in full sunlight for 20-30 days, constantly being turned and shuffled to make sure they are dried evenly. The coffee is then kept inside its dried outer layer until it is ready to be exported.
The resulting coffee is deliciously rich and fruity in the cup, with a silky texture and flavours of grape and orange. We've roasted this coffee on the lighter side, perfect for filter or even cold brew as we move into the warmer part of the year. Don't miss your chance to try this amazing coffee and experience the experimental natural process for yourself!